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Home educators

Every other Wednesday, 1/6/16, 15/6/16, 29/6/16...


Sessions will include animal care, fire building, den building, woodwork, fencing and archery.  We'll see what children and teens are most interested in doing and try to work that into the plan.  


Please let me know in advance if you are coming so I can have a rough idea of number but if you just fancy it on the day please come along!


* 10am - 2pm 

* £5 per child

* Old clothes and welly boots

* Pack lunch

NEW for autumn 2016: Ages 10+, max 10 in the group, £15, 10am - 2pm. This group will focus on activities and jobs such as archery, woodwork, green woodwork, fencing, repairing animal housing, making various items such as timber bird feeders, swings for the Forest School area, knot work for rigging up swings, hammocks, etc., higher level animal care such as trimming the goats' feet, mucking out and feeding with greater independence and speed. We'd start with a mix of animal husbandry and woodwork and see where interest lies. Sometimes there's a day's plan but then an animal breaks a fence or the weather changes so plans change. Up and coming projects about the place include, cider / apple juice production next month, constructing a pergola to grow grape vines in the 90f poly tunnel, stable block, peacock pen and new goat pen. Older children could possibly work on aspects of these real life jobs too.

If your children would be interested please let me know and we'll trial it.  However I need close to 10 children to make the day work so I’m going to need people to commit to some or all the dates as I can’t run it for just a couple of children.  Feel free to text, email, ring or Facebook with dates, names and ages of children and if you will be brining younger siblings too.


The expectation is that a couple of parents will stay with me and the main group and a few parents take the siblings (there shouldn’t be too many) to the woods or the poly tunnel to work on their own projects.


Dates are:  28/9/16, 12/10/16, 2/11/16, 16/11/16, 30/11/16, 14/12/16.

BTEC courses.  We also have space for young people aged 14 + to join BTEC groups. If there is enough interest we could start a home ed BTEC group. The BTECs we currently offer are level 2 Animal Care, level 1 Land-based Studies and entry level Personal Progress. We are open to negotiation on costing as we understand that families are self-funding.

Holiday club!  Every Tuesday and Thursday during the school holiday (expect Christmas).


9am - 4pm (parents are not expected to stay)

£15 per child

Please wear old, sensible clothes and welly boots as you will get muddy!

Bring a packed lunch and sun screen or water proofs!  


Days include animal care, building fires, making dens, rope swings and obsticle courses in the woods, archery, tractor / trailer ride, woodwork and planting.  


Photos of previous holiday club sessions on the facebook book page, and HERE.

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